NovaStar Program Reference / Web / phantomjs


The third-party phantomjs program performs automation tasks related to the website, in particular:

  • automate screen capture of NovaStar website such as the Administrator Interface map, so that the map can be distributed as an image

The program is typically run as a scheduled process on a frequency that reflects data collection and map updates. The generated output files can then be used in other websites, emailed, archived, etc. See also the phantomjs documentation:

Command Line Usage

The command line syntax is:

phantomjs rasterize.js URL outputFile


Create a screen shot of the current NovaStar native interface map:

TODO smalers 2017-08-07 Need Thaddeus to insert one or more examples

Administrator Interface

TODO smalers 2017-08-07 need a screenshot showing scheduler example

Log File Location

Does the program does not create a log file?


TODO smalers 2017-08-07 need to insert