NovaStar Reference / Data Formats / NWS SHEF


SHEF (Standard Hydrologic Exchange Format) is a data exchange format commonly used by the National Weather Service and other government agencies. The format is typically used in real-time operations to transfer data for many collection points and data types. However, the format is also used to exchange time series data.

Refer to the Standard Hydrologic Exchange Format, Version 1.3.1 (or later), Weather Service Hydrology Handbook No. 1., U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Weather Service.

Standard NovaStar Properties

Need to describe how SHEF data properties map to NovaStar.


  • Need to describe SHEF support limitations in NovaStar.

Importing Data into NovaStar

SHEF data can be imported into NovaStar using the nsshefimport program.

Exporting Data from NovaStar

SHEF data can be exported from NovaStar using the nsexportshef program.